Chocolate Protein Energy Bites

Chocolate Protein Energy Bites

Having an afternoon sugar rash? Be smart! Don’t grab just any chocolate from a shelf in the nearest store. Make your own healthy Chocolate Protein Energy Bites and stuff your bag with these yummies in the morning. Your body will thank you later!
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Express Colon Cleansing Fusion

Express Colon Cleansing Fusion

Your relationship with your gut and your gut health is more important for your health and well-being than you may realize. Good gut means healthy skin, better mood, more energy, good metabolism, flatter stomach, and positive thinking. So, be good to your gut and be happy!
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Vanilla Chai Breakfast Protein Smoothie

Vanilla Chai Breakfast Protein Smoothie

What if your morning chai could also have vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, protein, and healthy enzymes in it, plus, filled you up until lunch? Good news! 

Vanilla Chai Breakfast Protein Smoothie has all of these and tastes delicious! Try it for yourself.

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Raw Chocolate Protein Bars with Dates

Raw Chocolate Protein Bars with Dates

These days we all know someone who is vegan, gluten-free, lactose intolerant and so on. Hopefully, many grocery shops and restaurants offer many choices to their consumers. However, the amount of sugar in most of the products is extremely high! (Please read the labels carefully) Here is where the homemade products step in.
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